April 27, 2007

The End is Near

So yesterday was my last day of class- ever!!! (Unless I go to grad school, which is entirely possible...) It felt so great to walk out of my last class. It was a busy day- I had a linear algebra test, then my senior design group gave our final presentation, then Laura (also in my senior design group and one of my best friends) and I had our last lunch date at Moe's, our favorite restaurant (we have lunch there together at least once or twice a week), then I had more class, then I presided over my last Tau Beta Pi meeting, then I had dinner with some friends. Then I crashed and went to bed early!

Going to bed early allowed me to get up early so I could get to work early... so I better jump to it! I'll post again soon, as soon as I get something more interesting to talk about.



Rebecca said...

And don't forget that PICTURES are always nice...preferably, EIGHT pictures. EIGHT. EIGHT. And in EIGHT days I will be in Texas. Did I say EIGHT days??????

Jennifer said...


vanessa said...

congrats!!! i hope your test went well.

your post made me laugh - my son didn't go on to law school because he was tired of studying.

so instead he became a naval officer and pilot, now flight instructor, and all he has done since college is study!!!

you mom is right, pictures :-)

Theresa said...

Congratulations! Enjoy the last of all of it.

Heather said...

Whew! Good for you!